Shizzz!Trying to read that book.Ohmygassss.'til now,im still on the first chapter!!!!ASDFGHJKL :/

Idk but i'm having a hard time!Really hard time understanding the stories!!The way catherine lim(the author) writes is so complicated,she uses all the nose bleeding words(AS YOU ALL SEE I HAVE THE DICTIONARY BESIDE)!!!!but she's a very good writer,the way she wrote the story is amazingggg!Her imagination is superb!=))))))
it's just ��������.Ughhhh!
But i promise i won't give up on that book whatever happens!Hih. :>

Wooooh!What a long day!(:

What i did today:
Woke up early!!Cause i was so motivated to do all my homework.hihi.But i only finished reading 1 passage lost the motivation coz the questions we're freakingggg difficult like asdfghjkl haha k #irrelevant Will try doing it again tmrw. :/ All the best to me!!

And finally!Got to watch Suddenly It's Magic of Mario Maurer and Erich G!!'Twas so nice. :"> IT IS A MUST WATCH MOVIE!!!=))))) SWEAR.
Mario Maurer is one of the celebrities who makes me kilig!!!!Effortless!!
Oh well iba yung kilig pag siya!Walang binatbat yung mga iba kung celebrity crushes!Wahahaha.

But i somehow hate love stories!!!They put my hopes up about love,that there's this guy who will fall in love with you.Will do everything for you.<3
Eh wala naman na yatang lalaki na ganun ngayun ehhh!Tsk.Haha!Bitter langs!!!And no one would fall in love with me the way those guys in movie fall in love with their leading ladies. :))))

Tita Rose is the sweetest!<3 She treated us today!She was the one who paid for our tickets!!bought cheese fries and koi for us!!!Love herrrrr!<3

This is the end of my blog!(:
This is the ticket!=))))) Watched with Tita Rose and Key <3