Yesterday was the overnight with the Y.O.
Honestly,I really had fun but i wished that everyone was there but at the same
time i felt that God has a purpose why.It is because with fewer people,easier to bond better.I think.Ummmm.
Before the overnight,I went to Ate Janziel's house with Bessie and Beniel to play kinect and to practice our performance for the talent show portion in the overnight.We decided to dance the'Club...sth sth(i forgot alr��)'
Actually,i don't like dancing but since they said it's compulsory i had no choice.Haha!
I had a hard time getting the steps!LIKE OMG!Sabi nga ni Ate Janziel and Bessie Beniel can even do better than me!And mas magaling pa daw yung bata sa'kin!Ouch yeahhh...but TRUE naman!I must admit.��
Pero part of me that time felt humiliated.I can't describe my feeling fully.But that was i felt.Even though na they said it was only a joke.Siguro they think na i won't mind if they say that.I don't know.HOW WOULD I KNOW?Haha!
After that,we head to church na.Otw nakwento sa'kin ni Ate Janziel about her conversation with Tita Precy.I agree naman with Tita Precy on the part na they are not friendly or welcoming.Sth like that.pero i know there are reasons behind it.
Then when we reached.We prepared our things.Inayos na.Then while Ate Janziel was teaching DJ how to play guitar,Bessie and I decided to do the video for Ate Janziel's debut. :))
Success naman!Hih.��
The truth or dare was fun!��
parang sharing time.=)))
I got the 'Tell us about your first crush'for the truth and 'Say a pick up line to the opposite sex in this rm'for dare.
EASY RIGHTTTT?Kay whateverr.��
pero na mental block talaga ako dun sa pick up line!Even na alam ko naman na marami akong alam na ganun!HAHA.Oh well,LIFE.
Then the talent show.Grabe!Wala na talaga akong energy when we did the performance.And i know they were laughing at me kasi im really bad at asdfghjkl.
Ate Pearl and i tried learning how to 'skateboard or waveboard' that we saw in the youth rm.
After that ano
na ba????Tapos na!��
We headed to blk sth sth where we slept. :)))
We watched the movie 'TAKEN' before we slept.
The movie was so nice!����
I admire that father!��
kayyyy #irrelevant ��


Grabeh ang sakit ng likod ko!As in!Hindi kase ko sanay matulog sa floor with just a sleeping bag.Hih.
pero i managed to get a good sleep naman regardless of that!��
ate janziel and i shared breakfast.we did not get our order nga eh.Idk whther it was her fault.pero i don't blame her naman.
I felt that she felt guilty!I can see and feel!Kasi tita julie gave her breakfast instead na lang then she ate spaghetti.

At le carparkkk!With Bessie and Ezra.<3 =))) they're the two of my closest friend in church.We only talk and see each other every Sunday.))): BESSIE-i find her makulit!
With Ate Pearl and her mustache!:{D Haha! PEARL-Siya naman,mahirap intindihin!Minsan super nice minsan super masungit.Idk. I find her sweet!My first impression of her is that she's friendly.Maybe i treated her wrong or approacher her wrong kaya that's is how she treats me. #SADYEAHHHHHH
LASTLYYYYY!This letters.<3 i got a letter from kuya patrick,ate janziel,tita julie,ptr.lloyd,zynna,bessie and DJ. ABOUT THEIR LETTERS!=))) Kuya patrick's-what rly can't forget in his letter was the'i know we don't rly talk in this forever' Natawa naman ako!And sad at the same time.)): Kasi i felt that im such a difficult person to approach.))): and he noticed din na i don't attend regularly.Yun lang naman. ATE JANZIEL's-idk whether she was referring to me when she said na if my problems daw kami with her sana sabihin na lang to her directly.idk why i feel a bit guilty.idk whether i said sth like that...I can't remember!
P.S our group's photo for one of the games!Lol.Funny lang 'to!I'll talk more about it in part 2 of my blog!